Change the channel! Annabelle commanded. Thatch and I want to watch The Pajama Game!

We love Doris Day! Thatch said.

I want to see if her part would be good for me, she said.

I’m sorry, babies, I told them. Until this election ends, I’m going to force you to watch CNN with me. We’ll watch The Pajama Game when this madness is over.

This election is driving me nuts! Annabelle shouted. Halloween was bad enough, after all the dressing up Thatch, Stella, and I did.

Thatch added, Going Trick or Kibble-ing was really poor.

Well, what did you expect in this this building? I don’t think there are more than three apartments with cats, and I doubt the other – what? twenty-seven apartments? – are prepared to give three little kittens in Halloween costumes a handful of kibble.

And we worked so hard on our costumes, Annabelle added.

Yes, we did! Thatch stated.

Well, you did get some treats, didn’t you? I asked.

Yes, Annabelle said, a little Meow Mix –

And a little Purina Party Mix, Thatch added.

And Stella ate all of it! Next year, Thatch, I will not let her come along. Never again. Did you hear that, Stella?

Stella jumped onto Annabelle and wrestled her to the floor. As soon as she could get free, Annabelle leaped onto the computer table, then jumped onto the filing cabinet, and climbed to the top of the bookcase. Stella turned and jumped onto Thatch, who ran off to the bathroom with her in hot pursuit. I turned back to CNN and the continual count.

Where does it stand now? Annabelle called from the bookcase.

We still have five states to finish counting votes, I called.

This is really vexing, Annabelle stated. She climbed back down to the computer table, and then joined me on the bed. What’s that you’re eating? Do I want any?

Doritos. Do you? Stella likes them.

If you eat it, she wants it. She thinks she’s human.

Thatch jumped onto the bed, followed by Stella, who immediately stopped the wrestling and ran up to me to check out what I was eating.

Doritos, Stella, I said. Want one?

I gave her half of one and she gobbled it down.

She likes taco chips, too, I said. And granola bars.

Anything she doesn’t like? Thatch asked.

Yep. Cheetos. And guacamole.

Well, Annabelle sighed, if we’re not going to watch The Pajama Game

It’s the game we’re in! Thatch added. I laughed.

Stella jumped onto the bag of Doritos, bit down on a corner, and dragged the bag off the bed.

Stella! I yelled.

As I reached down to take the bag from her, I could see her and her booty vanish under the bed.

She’s impossible, Annabelle stated. Just impossible. She’s got no couth at all!

©2020, Larry Moore

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